Creative Blogs
Writing is a stimulating and creative activity. It promotes reflective thought, increases vocabulary, and helps us articulate heart-felt emotion. Many shy away from traditional arts such as drawing, painting, or playing an instrument for fear of open scrutiny. Writing, on the other hand, can easily be kept private until you are ready to venture out […]
Read MoreCrayons and paper were scattered on a small table where a two year old was playing. A few adults joined the child and began doodling. Nothing serious (how could it be, they were simply using crayons). Yet Susie, who had a knack for creativity and drawing, began sketching some jars that sat on a nearby shelf. […]
Read MoreBeing creative can and should be fun. Yet if you are anything like me, it can also be a bit stressful at times. I have a tendency to take my creative efforts very seriously. I like quality and I like to be happy with the results. Thinking about this, I realized that my creative happiness […]
Read MoreThis is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men. Titus 3:8 Art Speaks is an excerpt from chapter 12 of my book. I don’t do this very often, but […]
Read MoreI have a tendency to be rough on my hands. I like to garden, renovate old spaces, refurbish and/or build things. My hands bear the brunt of these labors and often become calloused and rough. Therefore, a few years back I got myself a really nice pair of work gloves. I used them occasionally, but […]
Read MoreWhen perfect is too perfect. Now wait, how is that possible? Usually we want, need, or expect perfection. It’s an earnest aspiration to have, and one worth working towards in most areas of our lives. When it comes to the arts, though, perfection has two problems. One: who is to decide what is perfect? We […]
It’s of utmost importance that we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around us. This is not always easy, but Pro 11:30 tells us, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise." My desire, with this blog, and through my book, is to give you tools that will help you live out your salvation and encourage you to find ways to share your faith. Using creative outlets is a great way to open doors of communication, often presenting opportunities to witness.