Motivational Blogs
More times than not, when we hear the word season, we think of the time of year. Especially for those of us who live where there are four specific seasons. Now depending on where you live, you could be enjoying the new life and growth that comes with spring. Warmth, increasing amounts of daylight and […]
Read MoreIt’s a bit cold to be sitting in my tree-house this morning, but as I think about what to write, I notice my view has changed. Trees are down, some blocking my path and others are no longer standing next to the stream. There are even more snapped limbs, a few still dangling precariously above. […]
Read MoreConsider for a moment the original state of Adam and Eve; they were the only beings created in the precious image of God and made to live forever. They dwelt in a magnificent garden where all their needs were met, and above all, they communed with their Maker on a daily basis. Who could want more? Eve. She […]
Read MoreWhen there is no expectation of better things, troubles eat away at the soul and leave a sense of hopelessness. Even those who trust in the Lord can have their faith shaken when prayers aren’t answered and sickness or struggle become a part of one’s reality. Expectancy wanes and doubt replaces hope when there is […]
Read MoreIn the past few weeks I’ve heard the expression “me time,” over and over. Now this could sound a bit selfish . . . Yet the people saying it are some of the most unselfish people I know! So what’s up with that? Basically, it’s a simple way to say, “I’ve spread myself too thin. If I don’t […]
Read MoreIt’s getting to that time of year when the beach becomes a favorite past time. If you’ve ever been to the beach, you’ve probably seen a diverse range of sand sculptures: castles, sea urchins, animals, fish, and many other interesting things. A few will be masterfully done, others considered decent and some won’t be much […]
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It’s of utmost importance that we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those around us. This is not always easy, but Pro 11:30 tells us, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that wins souls is wise." My desire, with this blog, and through my book, is to give you tools that will help you live out your salvation and encourage you to find ways to share your faith. Using creative outlets is a great way to open doors of communication, often presenting opportunities to witness.